
The IFHV hosted an exchange workshop on Anticipatory Humanitarian Action on October 11thand 12th. The workshop was moderated by the IFHV’s research associates Dr. Katrin Radtke and Sören Schneider as part of the academy for humanitarian action’s curriculum on anticipatory humanitarian action.

During the two-days workshop, the participants discussed how anticipatory humanitarian action can be mainstreamed further into humanitarian practice and what is necessary to make the approach more accessible, especially for smaller and medium-sized NGOs. The covered topics ranged from broad topics like entry points for funding and leveraging existing structures to specific discussions around partnerships and localization as well as the inclusion of vulnerable groups. In thematic working groups, the participants developed ideas and strategic steps to advance on these topics. All in all, the workshop united 16 practitioners from different humanitarian NGOs in Bochum.

The workshop complemented previous trainings on anticipatory humanitarian action that have been conducted within IFHV’s and VENRO’s capacity strengthening project and advertised under the umbrella of the academy for humanitarian action (aha). The aha offers a comprehensive and certified training program on “Anticipatory Humanitarian Action”.

More on the course, here. For questions, please contact: