The IFHV will host an online training on “Basics of Humanitarian Action” starting on Tuesday, 23 November. The aim of the course is to provide the participants with a comprehensive overview of important basic concepts, essential quality standards and international legal frameworks of humanitarian action. Case studies offer a practical insight into the role of principles and standards in humanitarian action. The three-days course will be led  by the experienced humanitarian practitioner Peter Zihlmann from the Swiss NGO ebaix, who already facilitated an earlier round of the same training in November 2020 and February 2021. The course “Basics of Humanitarian Action” constitutes the first part of a starter package to humanitarian action for recent graduates, new staff of humanitarian NGOs as well as career path changers and will be followed by a second seminar on the “Basics of the Humanitarian System” in February 2022.

The training is part of a joint project of the IFHV and VENRO to strengthen the capacities of German humanitarian NGO staff that is funded by the German Federal Foreign Office. It is conducted and promoted under the umbrella of the academy for humanitarian action (aha), where it is eligible for a Certificate of Advanced Studies in the area of “Foundations of Humanitarian Action”. The modular certification programs of the academy for humanitarian action offer humanitarian practitioners and those aspiring to be the opportunity to obtain a certified degree of further education by acquiring new and amplifying existing knowledge in different core areas of humanitarian action.