Auswaertiges Amt 1


The German Federal Foreign Office has approved the proposal to extend the capacity strengthening project for humanitarian NGOs, that the IFHV has been conducting together with the umbrella organization of German humanitarian and development NGOs, VENRO, since 2020. The second project phase will run until mid-2024 and focuses on the topics of localization, anticipatory humanitarian action and green humanitarian action. It seeks to support German humanitarian NGOs and their local partners in their efforts to implement future-oriented approaches and reforms, to drive innovation as well as to enhance sustainability and efficiency.  

In the first project phase (October 2020-December 2022), IFHV and VENRO jointly organized over 55 training courses, workshops and webinars on diverse topics that attracted more than 800 participants. Beside continuing to offer high-quality training events in the three focus areas, the new project phase also includes a research component: Through complementary research activities and in-depth consultation of NGOs, the aim of the research component is to underpin the capacity strengthening process with practice-oriented insights on common challenges that NGOs are facing in each of the three focus areas. These concern, amongst others, data literacy and effective data management in the context of anticipatory humanitarian action or the standardization and harmonization of tracking tools to measure greenhouse gas emissions of humanitarian actors and projects.  

IFHV and VENRO plan to publish an overview of all envisaged training courses in due time. In addition, the IFHV also announces and promotes its training workshops under the umbrella of the academy for humanitarian action (aha), a platform for humanitarian training courses that the IFHV co-founded in 2020.