Katsoni Publishes Article in Human Rights Law Review

Sissy Katsoni, Research Associate & PhD Student at the Institute for International Law of Peace and Armed Conflict (IFHV), published a new article in the Human Rights Law Review (Vol. 25, Issue 1, March 2025), titled 'Is the Obligation Not to Refoule a Positive Obligation? An Intermediate Approach Toward the Classification Dilemma'.

Katsoni argues that the obligation not to refoule should be seen as a mixed obligation, and sets out the negative and positive obligations that have been identified as stemming from non-refoulement in relevant jurisprudence and academic writings. Her article can be read via Oxford University Press.

Launched in 2001, Human Rights Law Review seeks to promote awareness, knowledge, and discussion on matters of human rights law and policy. While academic in focus, the Review is also of interest to the wider human rights community, including those in governmental, inter-governmental and non-governmental spheres, concerned with law, policy, and fieldwork.