Prof. Dr. Dennis Dijkzeul

Prof. Dr. Dennis Dijkzeul

Professor in Conflict and Organization Research


    Institute for International Law of Peace and Armed Conflict (IFHV) Ruhr University Bochum (RUB) Bochumer Fenster, 6th/7th floor Massenbergstr. 11 44787 Bochum Germany



    Research Focus

    Humanitarian Studies, Management of International and Local Organizations in Crises, Local Participation

    Office hours

    Friday: 13:00 - 14:00


    09/1990 - 01/1997
    Earned PhD at the Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
    09/1987 - 08/1991
    Philosophy courses, Free University, Amsterdam, and Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
    09/1984 - 08/1990
    Economics, Free University, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Specialization in Commercial Economics/ Business Economics. Main subjects: organizational behavior, organizational psychology, accounting.

    Work Experience and other Activities

    10/2002 - 09/2009

    Junior Professor in the Management of Humanitarian Crises, IFHV, RUB.

    Since 10/2009

    Professor of Organization and Conflict Research, Faculty of Social Science, RUB.


    Since 05/2023

    Member of the Supervisory Board of the Zukunftstiftung of the GLS Bank.

    01/2015 - 03/2016
    Member of the Advisory Group of HERE Geneva on “Mapping International Humanitarian Organizations”.
    03/2014 - 11/2015
    Member of the Reference Group of the IOB Evaluation of Dutch Humanitarian Policy, Dutch Foreign Ministry, The Hague, The Netherlands.
    Since 03/2014
    Research Coordinator, IFHV, RUB.
    07/2013 - 07/2015
    Member of the Arbeitskreis “Internationalisierung” (Working Group Internationalization) Ruhr-Universität Bochum,Germany.
    Since 07/2012
    Member of the Editorial Board of the “Routledge Humanitarian Studies” Book-series.
    12/2011 - 12/2013
    Member of the UNOCHA Advisory Group for the OCHA Policy and Studies Series, UN, New York, USA.
    02/2009 - 08/2018
    Founding Member of the Board of the International Humanitarian Studies Association (IHSA) and co-organizer of the World Conferences of Humanitarian Studies (WCHS), Groningen 2009, Medford 2011, and Istanbul 2013, Addis Abeba 2016, The Hague 2018.
    Since 07/2008
    Member of the Board of Directors, IFHV, RUB.
    Since 01/2007
    Member of the International Editorial Board of Cosmopolis.

    Positions, Awards, Scholarships and Research Grants (Selection)


    Evaluation of Germany’s Humanitarian Policy by Syspons / GFFO


    Summer School “Corruption” with Transparency International and APPRO by Ruhr University Bochum


    Phase 3 – Leave no one behind! Mainstreaming Disability in Humanitarian Action by German Federal Foreign (with Handicap International e.V. and Christoffel Blindenmission e.V.)


    Summer School “Corruption” with Transparency International and APPRO by Ruhr University Bochum


    Food Security Evaluation for DMI South Sudan by Caritas (GFFO)

    Workshop South Sudan by Caritas (Phineo)         

    Forschendes Lernen / Learning by Doing Research by InStudies


    Gender and Development Course by APPRO


    Visiting International Professor Travel Research School Grant (VIP) for William E. DeMars by Ruhr University Bochum         


    Summer School “Corruption” with Transparency International and APPRO by InStudies

    Workshop South Sudan by Caritas (Phineo)
    2019 - 2021

    Food Security Research in South Sudan and Northern Uganda by Caritas (Phineo)


    Policy Analysis and PCM courses by APPRO 

    Grant “Food Security Research in South Sudan and Northern Uganda” by Deutscher Caritasverbund e.V.
    Grant “Afghanistan Rights Monitoring Project Evaluation” by Afghanistan Public Policy Research Organization (APPRO).
    'Phase 2 - Leave no one behind!': Mainstreaming of Disability in Humanitarian Action" by German Federal Foreign Office (in cooperation with Handicap International e.V. and Christoffel Blindenmission e.V.)
    Grant “IDP and food security evaluation DMI in Juba, South Sudan and Humanitarian Strategy Formulation Caritas Gulu, Uganda” by Deutscher Caritasverbund e.V.
    Author’s conference “Diaspora Organizations in International Affairs” by Fritz-Thyssen-Stiftung.
    Evaluation refugee camps in Northern Uganda by Deutscher Caritasverbund e.V.
    Grant Research/PhD support by Sustainable Livelihoods Research Consortium.
    Grant “Resilienz durch sozialen Zusammenhalt: Die Rolle von Organisationen by Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (with BUW and DRK).
    Grant NOHA International Summer School (RUB and RU Groningen) by EU Directorate General for Humanitarian Action and Civil Protection (ECHO).

    Most recent Publications



    Dijkzeul, D. and Funke, C. (2023, in print) Robust Human Rights Norms? Disability Inclusion in Humanitarian Crisis, Palgrave Macmillan, London.


    Dijkzeul, D. and Salomons, D. (Eds) International Organizations Revisited. Agency and Pathology in a Multipolar World, Berghahn Books, Oxford/New York,


    Dijkzeul, D. and Fauser, M. (Eds) Diaspora Organizations in International Affairs, Global Institution Series, Routledge, London,

    Sezgin, Z. and Dijkzeul, D. (Eds) The New Humanitarians in International Practice: Emerging Actors and Contested Principles, Routledge Humanitarian Studies Series, Routledge, Milton Park.
    DeMars, W.E. and Dijkzeul, D. (Eds) The NGO Challenge for International Relations Theory, Global Institution Series, Routledge, Milton Park.
    Lieser, J. and Dijkzeul, D. (Hrsg.) Handbuch humanitäre Hilfe [Handbook Humanitarian Assistance], Springer Verlag, Heidelberg.



    Dijkzeul, D., Funke, C., Masuch, L., and Wiegers, O. ‘Mainstreaming Disability in Disaster Risk Reduction and Humanitarian Action’, pp. 20-23, in: Bündnis Entwicklung Hilft / IFHV (2023) World Risk Report 2023, Bündnis Entwicklung Hilft, Berlin.


    Dijkzeul, D., Funke, C., Masuch, L., and Wiegers, O., ‘Inklusion von Menschen mit Behinderungen in die Katastrophenvorsorge und humanitäre Maßnahmen’, pp. 20-23, in: Bündnis Entwicklung Hilft / ‚IFHV (2023) Weltrisikobericht 2023, Bündnis Entwicklung Hilft, Berlin.


    Addis, A. and Dijkzeul, D. ‘Humanitarian-Development Integration? Comparing "Linking Relief Rehabilitation and Development", "Early Recovery", "Resilience" and the "Triple Nexus’, pp. 55-75; in Preuss, H-J. and Beier, C. (2022), Forced Displacement and Migration. Approaches and Programmes of International Cooperation, Routledge, London.


    Dijkzeul, D., and Salomons, D. (2021) ‘Introduction: International Organizations Revisited’, pp. 1-48, in: Dijkzeul, D. and Salomons D. (Eds) (2021) International Organizations Revisited: Agency and Pathology in a Multipolar World, Berghahn Books, Oxford/New York.


    Dijkzeul, D. (2021) ‘The Program Approach and Its Lack of Participation, pp. 225-266, in: Dijkzeul, D. and Salomons D. (Eds) (2021) International Organizations Revisited: Agency and Pathology in a Multipolar World, Berghahn Books, Oxford/New York.


    Dijkzeul, D., Beigbeder, Y. and Salomons, D. ‘Therapies and Conclusions: Toward A Better Understanding of the Management of International Organizations,’ pp. 369-399, in: Dijkzeul, D. and Salomons D. (Eds) (2021) International Organizations Revisited: Agency and Pathology in a Multipolar World, Berghahn Books, Oxford/New York.


    Dijkzeul, D. and Funke, C. ‘International Organization and Vulnerable Groups’, Oxford Research Encyclopedia of International Studies, Oxford University Press, Oxford and New York, free access at


    Dijkzeul, D. and Griesinger, D. ‘Ambivalent Humanitarian Crises and Complex Emergencies’, pp. 1-29, in Stern, E. (Ed.) (2020) Oxford Encyclopedia of Crisis Analysis, Oxford University Press, Oxford and New York, free access at


    Dijkzeul, D. and Griesinger, D. ‚Wann ist eine humanitäre Krise eine humanitäre Krise? Zur Definition und Auslegung eines vagen Begriffspaares [When is a Humanitarian Crisis a Humanitarian Crisis? On the Definition and Explanation of a Vague Conceptual Couple]’, pp. 205-229, in Bösch, F., Deitelhoff, N. and Thiel, T. (Ed.) (2019) Handbuch Krisenforschung [Handbook Crisis Research], Springer VS, Heidelberg.


    Addis, A. and Dijkzeul, D. ‘Übergang von der humanitären Hilfe zur Entwicklungszusammenarbeit: Vergleich von LRRD, humanitärer Übergangshilfe und Resilienz’, pp. 231-252; in Preuss, H-J. and Beier, C. (2020), Globale Wanderungsbewegungen, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg.


    Dijkzeul, D. and Fauser, M. ‘Introduction: Studying Diaspora Organizations in International Affairs’, pp. 1-24; in Dijkzeul, D. and Fauser, M. (2020) Diaspora Organizations in International Affairs, Global Institution Series, Routledge, London.


    Dijkzeul, D., Bohlen, R., and Fauser, M. ‘Conclusions: What Is the Relevance of DOs for IR Theory and Research?’, pp. 176-193; in Dijkzeul, D. and Fauser, M. (2020) Diaspora Organizations in International Affairs, Global Institution Series, Routledge, London.


    DeMars, W. and Dijkzeul, D. ‘Constituting NGOs’, pp. 75-89, in Davies, Th. (2019) Routledge Handbook of NGOs and International Relations, Routledge, London and New York.


    Fomerand, J. and Dijkzeul, D. ‘Coordinating Economic & Social Affairs’, pp. 655-678, in: Weiss, T. and Daws, S. (Eds) (2018) The Oxford Handbook on the United Nations, Oxford University Press, Oxford, second edition.


    Dijkzeul, D., Hilhorst, D., Walker, P., and Gerdesmeier, V. ´Erkenntnisgestütztes Handeln in humanitären Krisen‘, pp. 12-15, in Gerdesmeier, V. (ed.) (2017) "Wirkungsorientierung in der Humanitären Hilfe – vom Konzept zur Praxis", Caritas International, Freiburg.


    DeMars, W.E. and Dijkzeul, D. “Cómo la Teoría de Relaciones Internacionales Esconde la Política de las Organizaciones No Gubernamentales [How International Relations Theory Hides NGO Politics], pp. 327-357, in Zamudio, L., Arellano, D. y Culebro, J. (2016), Puentes, Fronteras y Murallas Interdisciplinarias en torno a las Organizaciones Internacionales, CIDE, Ciudad de México.


    Dijkzeul, D. and Hilhorst, D. ‘Instrumentalisation of Aid in Humanitarian Crises: Obstacle or Precondition for Cooperation?’ pp. 54-71, Heins, V.M., Koddenbrock K., and Unrau, C. (eds.) (2016) Humanitarianism and Challenges of Cooperation, Routledge, London and New York.


    Sezgin, Z. and Dijkzeul, D. ‘Introduction: New Humanitarians Getting Old?’ pp. 1-22, in Sezgin, Z. and Dijkzeul, D. (Eds) (2016) The New Humanitarians in International Practice: Emerging Actors and Contested Principles, Routledge Humanitarian Studies Series, Routledge, Milton Park.


    Dijkzeul, D., R. O’Neill, R. and Sezgin, Z. ‘Conclusions: Convergence or Divergence?’, pp. 339-365, in Sezgin, Z. and Dijkzeul, D. (Eds) (2016) The New Humanitarians in International Practice: Emerging Actors and Contested Principles, Routledge Humanitarian Studies Series, Routledge, Milton Park.


    DeMars, W.E. and Dijkzeul D. ‘Introduction: NGOing: Practice, Bridging and Power’, pp. 3-38, in DeMars, W.E. and Dijkzeul, D. (Eds.) (2015) The NGO Challenge for International Relations Theory, Routledge, Milton Park.


    Dijkzeul, D. ‘Heart of Paradox: War, Rape and NGOs in the DR Congo,’ pp. 262-286, in DeMars, W.E. and Dijkzeul, D. (Eds.) (2015) The NGO Challenge for International Relations Theory, The Global Institutions Series, Routledge, Milton Park.


    DeMars, W.E. and Dijkzeul, D. ‘Conclusion: NGO Research and International Relations Theory’, pp. 289-316, in DeMars, W.E. and Dijkzeul, D. (Eds.) (2015) The NGO Challenge for International Relations Theory, Routledge, Milton Park.


    Rosenow-Williams, K., Dijkzeul, D., de la Portilla, R. ‘Migrant Organizations Active in Humanitarian Crises in Afghanistan: Theoretical and Empirical Questions’. pp. 1-16, in H.-G. Soeffner (ed.) Vielfalt und Zusammenhalt. Verhandlungen zum 36. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie in Bochum 2012. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag.


    Lieser, J. and Dijkzeul, D. ‚Einführung‘, pp. 1-5, in: Lieser, J. and Dijkzeul, D. (Eds) (2013) Handbuch humanitäre Hilfe [Handbook Humanitarian Assistance], Springer Verlag, Heidelberg.


    Dijkzeul, D. and Reinhardt, D. Das internationale humanitäre System und seine Akteure,‘ pp. 77-103, in: Lieser, J. and Dijkzeul, D. (Eds) (2013) Handbuch humanitäre Hilfe [Handbook Humanitarian Assistance], Springer Verlag, Heidelberg.


    Lieser, J. and Dijkzeul, D. Bilanz, Perspektiven, Herausforderungen,‘ pp. 409-421, in: Lieser, J. and Dijkzeul, D. (Eds) (2013) Handbuch humanitäre Hilfe [Handbook Humanitarian Assistance], Springer Verlag, Heidelberg.


    Sezgin, Z. and Dijkzeul, D. ‘Bridging Diverse Expectations in Germany and Pakistan: The Transnational Legitimization Strategies of Caritas,’ pp. 430-462, in: Maletzky, M., Seeliger, M., and Wannöffel, M., (2013) Arbeit, Organisation und Mobilität: Eine grenzüberschreitende Perspektive, Festschrift für Ludger Pries [Labor, Organisation and Mobility: A Cross-Border Perspective, Liber Amoricum for Ludger Pries], Campus Verlag, Frankfurt/New York.



    Dijkzeul, D. and Dany, C. ‘Editorial: Gesellschaftliche Spaltungen und sozialer Zusammenhalt in Krisensituationen’, Friedenswarte, 95, pp. 3-10.


    Dijkzeul, D. and Dany, C. ‘Editorial: Societal Divisions and Social Cohesion in Situations of Crisis’, Friedenswarte, 95, pp. 11-16.


    Borgmann, C. and Dijkzeul, D. ‘Sozialen Zusammenhalt messen. Methoden, Potential und Grenzen der Analyseinstrumente internationaler Organisationen [Measuring Social Cohesion. Methods, Potential and Limits of the Assessment Tools of International Organizations] ‘, Friedenswarte, 95, pp. 139-166.


    Dijkzeul, D. and Franzke, I. ‘Die Förderung sozialen Zusammenhalts durch internationale Organisationen [The Promotion of Social Cohesion by International Organizations]‘, Friedenswarte, 95, pp. 167-195.


    Dijkzeul, D. ‘Making Localization Work: The Everyday Practice of Three NGOs in South Sudan and Northern Uganda’, Frontiers in Political Science, 3, pp. 1-15.


    Schneiker, A. and Dijkzeul, D. ‘Einführung: Humanitäre Hilfe und humanitäre Krisen‘, Friedenswarte, 92, pp. 7-24.


    Dijkzeul, D. and Sandvik, K. ‘A World in Turmoil: Governing Risk, Establishing Order in Humanitarian Crises’, Disasters, Special Issue on Humanitarian Governance, S2, pp. 85-108.


    Aembe, B. and Dijkzeul, D. ‘Performance-based Financing and Strengthening Health Governance in the Fragile State of the Democratic Republic of Congo’, International Public Management Review, 1/2, pp. 224-254.


    Wakenge, C.I., Dijkzeul, D. and Vlassenroot, K. ‘Ruling the Old Game of Smuggling? Coltan Mining, Trade and Reforms in the Democratic Republic of Congo’, Journal of Modern African Studies, 3, pp. 1-26.


    Funke, C. and Dijkzeul, D. ‘The Growing Pains and Growing Neglect of a Normative Framework: The Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement’, Humanitäres Völkerrecht Informationsschriften, 3/4, pp. 91-101.


    Dijkzeul, D., Bohlen R. und Mehrabi F. ‘Summer School „Humanitarian Action in the 21st Century“’, Neues Handbuch für die Hochschullehre, 1, pp. 1-18.


    ‘Wann ein Krieg ein Krieg ist’, RUBIN Wissenschaftsmagazin, 2, pp. 26-27.


    ‘Humanitären Krisen: Wann ein Krieg ein Krieg ist’, RUBIN Wissenschaftsmagazin Compact, 2, p. 8.


    ‘Humanitarian Crises: When a War is a War’, RUBIN Wissenschaftsmagazin Compact, 2, p. 8.


    Dijkzeul, D. and Wakenge, C.I. ‘Proselytizing as Spoiling from Within? Comparing Proselytizing by UN Peacekeepers in the Sudan and the DR Congo’ Journal of International Organizations Studies, Special Issue on Spoiling within Peacekeeping Operations, 1, pp. 39-55.


    Dijkzeul, D., Hilhorst, D. and Walker, P. ‘Introduction: Evidence-Based Action in Humanitarian Crisis’, Disasters, Special Issue on Evidence-Based Action in Humanitarian Crises, 3, S1, pp. S1-S19.


    Sezgin, Z. and Dijkzeul, D. ‘Migrant Organisations in Humanitarian Action’ Journal of International Migration and Integration, March 2013, pp. 159-177, DOI 10.1007/s12134-013-0273-9.

    Conference Papers


    Dijkzeul, D. and W. DeMars ‘NGO Self-Organization and Orchestration in Ethiopia: Amalgams of Cooperation and Conflict’, Paper for the 63rd Annual ISA Convention, Panel: Beyond Competition and Cooperation: A Relational Approach to NGOs (II), Virtual International Studies Association Annual Convention, March 29, 2022.


    Tackenberg B., Lukas T. Fiedrich F. Borgmann C. Dijkzeul D. ‘Community Resilience: “Lost Letters” for Measuring the Willingness to Provide Social Support in Urban Neighbourhoods.’ In: Proceedings of the 4th Northern European Conference on Emergency and Disaster Studies: NEEDS 2019; June 10-12, 2019, pp. 1-17.

    Dijkzeul, D. and Fauser, M. ‘Introduction` Author’s Conference Diaspora Organizations in International Affairs, Ruhr University Bochum, Friday, September 7, pp. 1-16.
    Dijkzeul, D. und D. Griesinger ´Wann ist eine humanitäre Krise eine humanitäre Krise? Zur Definition und Auslegung eines vagen Begriffspaares [When is a Humanitarian Crisis a Humanitarian Crisis? On the Definition and Explanation of a Vague Conceptual Couple], Leibniz Forschungsverbund "Krisen in einer globalisierten Welt", Berlin, Thursday, March 1, pp. 1-17.
    DeMars, W.E. and Dijkzeul, D. ‘Glimpsing Structure and Agency in World Politics, Refracted through NGOs’, International Studies Association Annual Convention, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, February 22, 2017, pp. 1-23.
    Dijkzeul, D. and Sezgin, Z. Workshop Report: “The Humanitarian System in Austria, Germany, and Switzerland: A Comparative Analysis” Workshop at the University of Vienna, Monday, December 2, 2013, pp. 1-8.
    Dijkzeul, D. and Lieser, J. Book Launch: Handbuch Humanitäre Hilfe, Joint International Conference: From Cold War to Cyber War: 150 Years Red Cross, 25 Years IFHV, 20 Years NOHA, Ruhr University Bochum, Bochum, Thursday, November 14, 2013,.
    DeMars, W.E. and Dijkzeul, D. ‘How International Relations Theory Hides NGO Politics’ International Workshop on Organization Theory and International Relations: Bridges and New Directions, Universidad IberoAmericana, Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económica (CIDES), Mexico City, Wednesday, October 30, 2013, pp. 1-28.
    Meis, M. and Dijkzeul, D. ‘When Is A Crisis A Crisis? On The Perception, Interpretation, And Negotiation of Humanitarian Crises in A Social Media Context’, Paper for the 3rd World Conference of Humanitarian Studies, Panel: When Is A Crisis A Crisis? Or Which Factors Explain Why And How A Situation Is Perceived As A Crisis?, Kadir Has University, Istanbul, Friday, October 25, 2013, pp. 1-17.
    Addis, A. and Dijkzeul, D. ‘Gap Analysis: Comparing LRRD, Early Recovery and Resilience’, Paper for the 3rd World Conference of Humanitarian Studies, Panel: Building resilience - potentials and approaches to providing coherent response, Kadir Has University, Istanbul, Saturday, October 26, 2013, pp. 1-19.
    Dijkzeul, D., Sezgin, Z., and Behmer, K. ‘Global Norms and Local Perceptions: Humanitarian Practices in the DRC, Nepal and Pakistan’, Paper for the 3rd World Conference of Humanitarian Studies, Panel: Human Security and Humanitarian Practices, Kadir Has University, Istanbul, Saturday, October 26, 2013, pp. 1-24.

    Internet Publications


    Funke, C. and Dijkzeul, D. ‘From Commitment to Action: Towards a Disability-Inclusive Humanitarian Response in South Sudan?’ at:


    Funke, C. and Dijkzeul, D. ‘From Commitment to Action: Towards a Disability-Inclusive Humanitarian Response in South Sudan?’ IFHV Working Paper Vol. 12, No. 1. at:


    Funke, C. and Dijkzeul, D. ‘Mainstreaming Disability in Humanitarian Action. A Field Study from Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh’, at: and


    Funke, C. and Dijkzeul, D. ‘Mainstreaming Disability in Humanitarian Action’, IFHV Working Paper Vol. 11, No. 1. September 2021, at:


    Dijkzeul, D. and Funke, C. ‘Inklusion von Menschen mit Behinderungen in der Humanitären Hilfe’, Centre for Humanitarian Action (CHA) Berlin, at:


    Dijkzeul, D. ‘Making Localization Work: The Everyday Practice of Three NGOs in South Sudan and Northern Uganda’, Frontiers in Political Science, at:


    Friedrich, F., Lukas, T., Tackenberg, B., Borgmann, C., Max, M., Schulze, M., Biegert, A., and Dijkzeul, D. ‘Durch sozialen Zusammenhalt Gemeinschaften in Krisen und Umbrüchen stärken. Eine Arbeitshilfe für Katastrophenorganisationen, Kommunalverwaltungen, Nachbarschaftsorganisationen und Wohlfahrtsverbände‘, BMBF-Projekt ResOrt, 2020, Deutsches Rotes Kreuz: Berlin,


    Dijkzeul, D. and Funke, C. “International Organization and Vulnerable Groups”, Oxford Research Encyclopedia of International Studies, Oxford University Press, Oxford and New York February 23, 2021, at:


    Dijkzeul, D. and Griesinger, D. ‘Ambivalent Humanitarian Crises and Complex Emergencies’, Oxford Research Encyclopedias. Politics, Oxford University Press August 27, 2020, at:


    Biegert, A., Borgmann, C., Ferl, L., Franzke, I., Lukas, T., Tackenberg, B., and Dijkzeul, D. ‘Resilienz durch sozialen Zusammenhalt – Die Rolle von Organisationen: Vergleichende Studie nationaler und internationaler Strategien und Instrumente zur Stärkung sozialen Zusammenhaltes und zur Bewältigung von Krisen, Katastrophen und Umbrüchen‘, BMBF-Projekt ResOrt, August 2020, at:


    Tackenberg, B., Lukas, T., Marceta, S., Friedrich, F., Borgmann, C., and Dijkzeul, D. ‘Resilienz durch sozialen Zusammenhalt – Die Rolle von Organisationen: Empirischer Ergebnisbericht‘, BMBF-Projekt ResOrt, 2020, at:


    Friedrich, F., Lukas, T., Tackenberg, B., Borgmann, C., Max, M., Schulze, M., Biegert, A., and Dijkzeul, D. ‘Durch sozialen Zusammenhalt Gemeinschaften in Krisen und Umbrüchen stärken. Eine Arbeitshilfe für Katastrophenorganisationen, Kommunalverwaltungen, Nachbarschaftsorganisationen und Wohlfahrtsverbände‘, BMBF-Projekt ResOrt, 2020, at:


    Borgmann, C., Franzke, I. and Dijkzeul, D. ‘Resilienz durch sozialen Zusammenhalt in der Stadt Münster: Workshopbericht‘, BMBF-Projekt ResOrt, 2019, at:


    Sandvik, K. and Dijkzeul, D. ‘Humanitarian Governance and Localization: What Kind of World Is Being Imagined and Produced?’ The Global, Graduate Institute Geneva, November 13, 2019, at


    Sandvik, K. and Dijkzeul, D. ‘New Directions in Humanitarian Governance: Technology, Juridification and Criminalization’, Global Policy, at


    Heintze, P., Hillhorst, D. and Dijkzeul, D. ‘Venezuelan Refugees on Curaçao Have Entered the Kingdom of the Netherlands!’ The ISS Blog on Global Development and Social Justice, April 26, 2019,


    Van Tulder, R., Reinalda, B. and Dijkzeul, D. ‘Transitional Governance in Increasingly Turbulent Times: Jim Muldoon’s Legacy’, Journal of International Organizations Studies, 2, pp. 7-12.


    Dijkzeul, D., Reinalda, B. and van Tulder, R. (eds) ‘James P. Muldoon, Jr. (†): International Organizations and Governance in a Time of Transition’ Journal of International Organizations Studies, 1, pp. 13-26, at


    Aembe, B. and Dijkzeul, D. ‘Performance-based Financing and Strengthening Health Governance in the Fragile State of the Democratic Republic of Congo’, International Public Management Review, 1/2, pp. 224-254, at


    Aembe, B. and Dijkzeul, D. ‘Humanitarian Governance and the Consequences of the State Fragility Discourse in DRC’s Health Sector’, Researching Livelihoods and Services Affected by Conflict, Working Paper 63, Secure Livelihoods Research Consortium, Overseas Development Institute, London, at


    Borgmann, Dijkzeul, D., Tackenberg, B., Lukas, T. and Fiedrich ‚Glossar: Resilienz durch Sozialen Zusammenhalt - Die Rolle von Organisationen [Glossary: Resilience through Social Cohesion – The Role of Organizations],‘ at


    Dijkzeul, D. and Wakenge, C.I. ‘Proselytizing as Spoiling from Within? Comparing Proselytizing by UN Peacekeepers in the Sudan and the DR Congo’ Journal of International Organizations Studies, Special Issue on Spoiling within Peacekeeping Operations, Vol. 5, 1, pp. 39-55, at

    Research Papers, Visitations, Evaluations and Consultancy Reports


    Dijkzeul, D. ‘Étude de Faisabilité sur le Renforcement de la Résilience Centré sur la Communauté au Tchad (Provinces du Lac, Hadjer-Lamis et Kanem), in mimeo, pp. 1-66, atétude-de-faisabilité-sur-le-renforcement-de-la-résilience-centré-sur-la-communauté-au.


    Dijkzeul, D. ‘Feasibility Study on Community-Centered Resilience-Building in Northeastern Nigeria and Northern Cameroon for Caritas Germany’, in mimeo, pp. 1-60, at


    Dijkzeul, D. ‘Étude de Faisabilité sur Renforcement de la Résilience Centré sur la Communauté dans le Nord-Est du Nigeria et le Nord du Cameroun’, in mimeo, pp. 1-68, at , at


    Dijkzeul, D. ‘Impact Assessment of the BMZ-Food Security Project in Juba State executed by the Daughters of Mary Immaculate (DMI), Juba, South Sudan’, in mimeo, pp. 1-63, at


    Dijkzeul, D. ‘Comparative Field Evaluation (2019-2020) of The PHINEO Food Security Projects by Mary Help Association – Wau, South Sudan, Bishop Gassis Relief & Rescue Foundation – Agok, South Sudan, and Caritas Gulu – Gulu, Uganda’, in mimeo.


    Dijkzeul, D. ‘Comparative Field Evaluation of Three Food Security Projects by Mary Help Association – Wau, South Sudan, Bishop Gassis Relief & Rescue Foundation – Agok, South Sudan, and Caritas Gulu – Gulu, Uganda’, in mimeo.

    Dijkzeul, D., (et al.) ‘Caritas Gulu Archdiocese, Humanitarian Strategic Plan’, 2019 – 2023, in mimeo, pp. 1-26.
    Dijkzeul, D. ‘Field Evaluation of the Relief, Rehabilitation and Reintegration and Food Security Programs for South Sudanese IDP and Source Communities in Juba State Executed by the Daughters of Mary Immaculate-Juba, in mimeo, Juba And Bochum; 2 July -21 July 2018; pp. 1-44.
    Dijkzeul, D. ‘Report of the Project Mid-Term Evaluation of the Integrated Post-Conflict Support for South-Sudanese Refugees in Adjumani District (March 2017-February 2018) and Strategy Development for Caritas Gulu with Support from Caritas Germany; Adjumani, Gulu and Bochum,’ 27 August -11 September 2017, in mimeo, pp. 1-37.

    ‘Rethinking the Limits of Humanitarian Critiques: Responses to Tom Weiss’, pp. 34-38, Commentary in: Weiss, Th. G. (2014) ‘Humanitarianism’s Contested Culture in War Zones’ with commentaries by Chandler, D. and. Dijkzeul, D., Global Cooperation Research Papers, 8, Käte Hamburger Kolleg / Centre for Global Cooperation Research, Universität Essen-Duisburg, Duisburg (available at

    Language Skills
