Dr. Kristina Roepstorff

Dr. Kristina Roepstorff



    Institute for International Law of Peace and Armed Conflict (IFHV) Ruhr University Bochum (RUB) Bochumer Fenster, 6th/7th floor Massenbergstr. 11 44787 Bochum Germany



    Project Work

    Joint Project of IFHV and Venro: Training Program to strengthen capacities of German humanitarian NGO Staff, funded by the German Federal Foreign Office (GFFO)

    Research Interests

    International Studies, Practices of Humanitarian Action, Peacebuilding, Forced Displacement and Migration, Decolonial and Postcolonial Theory, Qualitative and Participatory Research Methods

    Education and Training


    Humanitarian Mediation Training, NOHA, Brussels


    Certificate Instructional Skills Online, Royal Roads University, Canada


    Vocational training as Intercultural Mediator, Interculture, Berlin


    PhD (Dr.rer.pol), Institute of Intercultural and International Studies, Bremen University 


    MA International and Comparative Legal Studies, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London 


    M.A. in Philosophy, Sociocultural Anthropology and Comparative Religious Studies, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich (2003)

    Work Experience and other Activities

    Since 04/2021

    Senior Researcher, Institute for International Law of Peace and Armed Conflict (IFHV), Ruhr University Bochum

    Since 05/2020

    CHA Fellow, Centre for Humanitarian Action, Berlin

    09/2019 - 04/2020

    Research Associate, Centre for Humanitarian Action, Berlin

    11/2017 - 03/2020

    Speaker of the Working Group “Curriculum and Didactics” of the German Association of Peace and Conflict Studies

    09/2015 – 05/2020

    Lecturer in Peace and Conflict Studies, Department of Political Science, Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg

    Since 05/2015

    Associate Faculty, School of Humanitarian Studies, Royal Roads University, Canada

    04/2014 – 04/2015

    Visiting Professor, Institute for Asian and African Studies, Humboldt University Berlin

    11/2012 – 07/2013

    Visiting Fellow, Research Division Asia, German Institute for International and Security Affairs, (SWP), Berlin

    Since 2013

    Independent consultant, mediator, trainer and lecturer in peacebuilding and humanitarian action

    09/2011 – 09/2012

    Government of Canada Postdoctoral Research Fellow, School of International Studies, Simon Fraser University, Canada 

    08/2009 – 08/2011

    Assistant Professor, Willy Brandt School of Public Policy at Erfurt University

    04/2007 – 03/2008

    Marie Curie Fellow in Humanitarian Action and Conflict Studies, University College Dublin 

    Grants and Awards


    Project "Red Lines and Grey Zones: Exploring the Ethics of Humanitarian Negotiation", funded by the Research Council of Norway at PRIO; in collaboration with Kristoffer Lidén


    German Peace Foundation, Grant for the Working Group Curriculum and Didactics, German Association for Peace and Conflict Studies


    Field Research Grant, Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, 6 weeks field research in Bangladesh


    German Peace Foundation, Workshop Grant for the Working Group Curriculum and Didactics, German Association for Peace and Conflict Studies


    Government of Canada Postdoctoral Research Fellowship


    Erfurt University, LUBUM Travel Grant, Workshop participation and presentation at Karachi University, Pakistan


    European Commission, Seed funding, Personal Grant for Developing Flagship Research in Humanitarian Action


    European Commission, Marie Curie Pre-Doctoral Fellowship in Humanitarian Action and Conflict Studies


    German Association of Peace and Conflict Studies, International Humanitarian Studies Association, European International Studies Association

    Most recent Publications

    Monographs and Editorships


    Local Humanitarian Action and Forced Migration: contested spaces of international aid, Routledge (to be published 2022)


    The Politics of Self-Determination: beyond the decolonisation process, London: Routledge (2014)

    Journal Articles and Book Chapters


    Editorial: Localization and the Politics of Humanitarian Action, Special Issue, Frontiers in Political Science, with Kilian Spandler and Sulagna Maitra


    “Localisation”, in: Matthew Clarke (ed.), Elgar Encyclopedia of Development


    Localisation requires Trust: An Interface Perspective on the Rohingya Response in Bangladesh", Disasters 


    “Visualising Peace – the Stare of the Art”, Peace & Change, 45(1), with Stephan Engelkamp and Alexander Spencer 


    “Moving images: visual metaphors of peace in the Movie Mango Dreams”, Peace & Change, 45(1), with Stephan Engelkamp and Alexander Spencer 


    “Decentering Peace Studies: Conceptualisations of Peace in India”, ZeFKo, with Siddarth Tripathi 


    “As Local as Possible, as International as Necessary? A Critical Assessment of the Localisation Agenda in Humanitarian Action”, Third World Quarterly, 41(2)


    “Chance für den Frieden? Die Lokalisierungsagenda im Humanitären System im Nexus von Humanitärer Hilfe und Friedensförderung”, Die Friedens-Warte. Journal of International Peace and Organization


    “Armed Conflicts and Humanitarian Crises: Insights from the Anthropology of War”, in: Heintze, Hans-Joachim and Thielbörger, Pierre (eds.), International Humanitarian Action: NOHA Textbook, Berlin: Springer


    “India and the DAC-donors: divergence or convergence principles and practices of humanitarian aid?”, in: Sezgin, Z. und Dijkzeul, D. (eds), The New Humanitarians in International Practice: Emerging actors and contested principles, Abingdon: Routledge


    “Insider Mediation in Peace Processes: an untapped resource?“, S+F, Security and Peace, Issue 3, with Anna Bernhard


    “Conflict Transformation and the European Experience: A Case Study of Institutional (Re-) Design in Bosnia Herzegovina”, in: Ahmar, Moonis (ed.), Conflict Transformation and the Challenge of Peace, Karachi: Royal Book Company


    “Self-Determination as Non-Domination. A shift from government to governance from a normative perspective”, in: Fisch, Jörg (ed.), Die Verteilung der Welt. Selbstbestimmung und das Selbstbestimmungsrecht der Völker. The World divided. Self-determination and the Right of Peoples to Self-determination, Munich: Oldenbourg Verlag


    “Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the Question of Justiciability: International Legal Protection of the Right to Food”, in: Hoffmann-Holland, Klaus (ed.), Ethics and Human Rights in a Globalized World, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck Verlag


    “Confronting the Past, Building the Future: The Role of Post-Conflict Justice in Africa”, in: Hans- Joachim Heintze and Robert C. Hudson (eds.), Different Approaches to Peace and Conflict Research, Bilbao: Universidad de Deusto Press, with Danja Blocher

    Policy Papers and Other Publications


    “Same same but different“: Reflexion zur Online-Lehre vor und während Corona, in: H-Soz-Kult, Forum: Digitales Lehren 


    Red Lines and Grey Zones: Ethical dileamms in humanitarian negotiations and the need for a research agenda, PRIO Blog, with Kristoffer Lidén 


    The ethics of humanitarian negotiation, Humanitarian Views, The Humanitarian Blog, with Kristoffer Lidén 


    Localisation and the Shrinking Civic Space: tying up the loose ends. Berlin: Centre for Humanitarian Action


    Counterterrorism Measures and Sanction Regimes: Shrinking Space for Humanitarian Aid Organisations, Berlin: Centre for Humanitarian Action, with Charlotte Faltas and Sonja Hövelmann 


    Migration and the Shrinking Humanitarian Space in Europe: From maritime search and rescue operations to contested humanitarian action in EU countries, Berlin: Centre for Humanitarian Action


    Staatenlos: Der Konflikt in Rakhine und die Humanitäre Notlage der Rohingya, Friedensakademie Rheinland-Pfalz, (Blog entry)


    Demokratieförderung in Myanmar. Indien als Partner für die deutsche und europäische Außenpolitik?“, SWP-Aktuell/4


    Myanmar’s Peace Process. The Importance of Federal Reforms and an Inclusive National Dialogue, SWP Comments 2013/C 29, with Jasmin Lorch 


    Indien in Aufruhr. Die Braveheart-Debatte und die Folgen für die indische Demokratie, SWP-Aktuell/18, with Christian Wagner 


    Die Assam-Unruhen 2012: Anatomie eines Konflikts, Heinrich Boell Foundation (online)

    Conferences and Panels


    Presentation (with Kristoffer Lidén): Red Lines and Grey Zones: Exploring the ethics of humanitarian negotiations, International Humanitarian Studies Conference


    Presentation: Critical localism: reflections on the localisation of humanitarian action in theory and (research) practice, Oxford Refugee Studies Centre

    07/2020 & 07/2021

    Presentation: “Ethnographic Methods in Peace and Conflict Studies”, University of Magdeburg


    Input: “Peacebuilding”, Humanitarian Reflections, Centre for Humanitarian Action, Berlin


    Commentary, Shrinking Humanitarian Space in Europe: The Case of Maritime Search and Rescue, IOM Migration Tools


    Commentary, Shrinking Humanitarian Space in Europe: The Case of Maritime Search and Rescue, IOM Migration Tools


    Workshop: “Mediation”, NOHA Spring School of Humanitarian Action, Vilnius


    Presentation: “As local as possible, as international as necessary“? Localising humanitarian action in the context of the Rohingya Emergency Response in Bangladesh”, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh


    Workshop: “Ethics of Humanitarian Negotiations and Mediation”, PRIO, Oslo


    Presentation: “From maritime SAR to Safe Harbours: the human rights discourse in the context of maritime migration”, Arbeitsstelle Menschenrechte, University of Magdeburg


    Presentation: “Conflicts and Forced Migration in South Asia: the case of the Rohingya”, Ghent University


    Presentation: “As local as possible, as international as necessary: the localisation agenda in humanitarian action”, European International Studies Association Conference, Prague


    Presentation (with Alexander Spencer und Stephan Engelkamp): “Visualising peace: politics, policy and pedagogy”, European International Studies Association Conference, Barcelona


    Presentation: “What is the Local? Some Conceptual Considerations”, Panel: Locally-Led Humanitarian Action: The Future, or Folly?, World Conference on Humanitarian Studies, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia


    Presentation: “Local Peace Committees as Infrastructures for Peace: an International Perspective”, Local Peace Committees Exchange Workshop, Bharatpur, Nepal


    Presentation: “Convergent or Divergent Narratives? The Securitisation of Internal Displacement among Displaced Persons and Civil Society Actors in Assam”, School for International Studies, SFU Vancouver


    Presentation: “Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the Question of Justiciability: International Legal Protection of the Right to Food”, Ethics and Human Rights in a Globalized World, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

    Language Skills

    German (Mother Tongue)
    English (fluent)
    Italian (Intermediate)
    Spanish (Elementary)
    Hindi (Absolute Beginner)
    Latin (received Latinum)