Bochumer Blue Books


The Bochumer Blue Books ('Bochumer Schriften zur Friedenssicherung und zum Humanitären Völkerrecht') are a series of monographs and edited book collections dealing with topical issues in the international law of peace and armed conflict as well as in the field of humanitarian studies. Over 60 books were published in a period of almost 30 years (1989-2017). While the series was discontinued in 2007, it was re-launched in 2017.
The books cover a variety of topics such as international criminal tribunals, naval warfare, the role of combatants in armed conflicts, East-West relations during the Cold War period, environmental law issues, human rights protection and humanitarian aid.
All Bochumer Blue Books are published and distributed by the Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag (BWV).

BWV | Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag GmbH
Behaimstraße 25
10585 Berlin

Tel.: +49 30 841770-0
Fax: +49 30 841770-21



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