Current Research Projects

Detailed information regarding individual research projects and publications can be found in our news section. 

Current research projects of the Research Cluster on Human Rights and Humanitarian Protection include the following.

Phase 3 – Leave no one behind! Mainstreaming of Disability in Humanitarian Action

Project Manager: Dennis Dijkzeul

2022 - 2024

Funding Organization:

The German Federal Foreign Office 


Since 2016, the Leave No One Behind! project series focused on mainstreaming disability in humanitarian action through capacity development, applied research and awareness raising. Phase 2 also significantly supported the development, translation and dissemination of the Inter-Agency Standing Committee’s (IASC) Guidelines on the Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in Humanitarian Action - the first system-wide globally accepted guidelines on inclusive humanitarian action.

For Phase 3, HI, CBM and IFHV will continue to develop and share their pooled technical expertise in the field of inclusive humanitarian action with German and international humanitarian organisations and their local partners, International Organisations (IOs)/ United Nations (UN) agencies and Organisations of Persons with Disabilities (OPDs). This will contribute to closing the gaps in meaningful participation and equal access to humanitarian assistance, which men and women, boys and girls with disabilities affected by emergencies still experience.

The aim of the project is threefold: It seeks to root disability in humanitarian coordination mechanisms; improve data on the inclusion of disability; and to build and expand the capacities of German humanitarian actors and their local and global partners to become disability inclusive.

Find more information here.

Affiliated PhD Projects

A significant number of scholars have already completed their doctoral studies at the Institute for International Law of Peace and Armed Conflict (IFHV), with many others presently engaged in similar pursuits. The range of doctoral research topics encompasses the full spectrum of the IFHV's research and teaching domains.

Here you can find current doctoral projects, that are affiliated with the research cluster on Humanitarian Governance and Management.