Ongoing PhD Projects in Research Cluster III

Humanitarian Governance and Management Research Cluster

The research cluster on Humanitarian Governance and Management Research focuses on humanitarian governance as a specific part of global governance. It looks at the interaction between actors, institutions, norms, standards, practices, discourses and technologies in relation to humanitarian crises. A special emphasis lies on the management of actors in crises as the mechanisms which translate humanitarian governance into practice. The focus on these two elements - governance & management - embodies the IFHV's overall orientation to both academia and practice.

Learn more about it here.


Miriam Amine

Enabling Evaluation Use - Eine Analyse zur Verbesserung der Nutzung von Evaluierungen for evidenzbasierte Entwicklungszusammenarbeit



Ronja Huesmann

The application of international standards in regional refugee facilities in Germany - Qualitative comparative case study about the accommodation and care of refugees from an organisational perspective

In the summer of 2015, there has been a high increase of refugees coming to Europe and Germany due to the armed conflict in Syria and forced migration and migration from the African and Asian continent. Germany had to deal with a high number of people in need seeking for asylum in Germany. Nine years after this event and upcoming new crises, it is time to observe the handling of this special situation in Germany. This PhD project intents to answer the question about the use of normative, organisational and technical standards in the accommodation and care of refugees in regional refugee shelters in Germany. Furthermore, it seeks to answer which factors do influence the integration of international standards in Germany. International standards like the Sphere Project or the Core Humanitarian Standards are often used by international, humanitarian organisations in the context of refugee relief. The use of international standards in Germany is rather unexplored. Due to a qualitative, comparative case study between organisations which are using international standards in Germany and organisations which are using national standards, this research question should be further explored.



Dave Lefor

Navigating Liminality: Agency, Aspiration, and Civic Engagement Among Stateless Youth in Thailand

Displaced by ongoing conflict and protracted crisis in Myanmar, Burmese youth in Thailand face significant challenges, including limited freedom of movement, an uncertain legal status, limited access to livelihoods and exploitation in the labor market, and deprivations in education, health, and social integration. These challenges are influenced by government policies on refugee integration and the complex legal status of displaced persons. This comparative case study applies the Capability Approach, using mixed methods, to explore and compare the educational and skills development opportunities available to displaced Burmese youth in rural and urban areas of Thailand. It examines how these opportunities impact their capabilities, functionings, and agency, and how they affect the youths' well-being and livelihoods. By identifying gaps and strengths in education provision, the study aims to inform policies and practices that enhance the educational and developmental outcomes for displaced Burmese youth, ultimately contributing to their empowerment and well-being.



Christof Ruhmich

Panzi's Holistic Model of Care for Survivors of Gender Based Violence in DR Congo: A case study of localisation along the Humanitarian-Development-Peace Nexus

Localisation and the Humanitarian-Development-Peace Nexus (Triple Nexus) have in recent years emerged as major themes across all forms of response in conflict-affected contexts. Against this background, this PhD project uses field research to analyse and understand to which extent Panzi´s model of holistic care for survivors of Gender Based Violence (GBV) in DR Congo contributes to building resilience against GBV along the humanitarian-development-peace nexus. This model of holistic care for survivors of GBV is designed and applied by the General Reference Hospital of Panzi and the Panzi Foundation, which are two closely related local congolese actors.



Vera Choulhadjian Yacoubian

Armenian Peacebuilding and Power-Sharing in Lebanon (1975-1989)