Funding Your Studies


The Deutschlandstipendium was called into life by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research in 2011 to sponsor students with a stipend of 300€ per month. Organisations, foundations and/or private donors lay the basis for each Deutschlandstipendium. The national government matches each pledge.
Scholarships will be awarded on the basis of academic merit, societal and social involvement, as well as concern for humanitarian issues. The scholarships are worth 3,600€ for the first year; an extension is possible.

How to apply:

  • Follow the standard application procedure using the online portal. You will receive access and further instructions after your interview.
  • Send two short essays (max. 500 words each) on a) your social engagement and b) motivation for the EMA to with your name and the name of the scholarship as reference (n.b. you will also be asked to upload these short essays in the online portal).

* Students who select Ruhr University Bochum as their home university

External Funding & Loans

There are a number of external funding opportunities, including private and public foundations both within Germany and your country of origin. The official DAAD web site lists a number of foundations, offering scholarships. To access the list, visit: