How to Apply

Step by Step Instructions

  1. All applications must be made online through the online NOHA Application Form here.
  2. No print application documents should be submitted unless requested or authorised by NOHA.
  3. Read through the on-line application form and prepare all of the information for each section of the form as well as all of the documents that you must attach to your application.
  4. Fill in the on-line application form, completing all of the sections as requested.
  5. Attach all of the compulsory documents:
    • Copy of passport (only the main pages including your full name, passport number, date and place of issue, expiry date)
    • Scan of original diploma (if this document is not in English, an official translation should be attached) and, if available, of the Diploma Supplement. If you are offered a place on the programme, you will have to present the original documents, or submit a certified copy of the original documents, when you arrive at the NOHA universities you choose for the first and second semesters
      • If you have finished your Bachelor’s studies when you apply but have not yet received your degree: please submit an official document confirming that you have successfully completed your studies and that you will be awarded a degree. The document must be issued through and signed by a representative of the Academic Registrar's Office, the Examinations Office or equivalent.
      • Only for self-funding candidates, not applicable to Erasmus Mundus applicants. If you have not completed your Bachelor’s studies when you apply: please submit an official document stating that you are a currently enrolled student and participating in your last year of studies. The document must be issued through and signed by a representative of the Academic Registrar's Office, the Examinations Office or equivalent.
    • Scan of original academic transcripts (if this document is not in English, an official translation should be attached). If you are offered a place on the programme, you will have to present the original documents, or submit a certified copy of the original documents, when you arrive at the NOHA universities you choose for the first and second semesters
      • If you have not completed your Bachelor’s studies when you apply: you must still submit transcripts for all courses you have passed so far.
    • Curriculum vitae in English. Preferably in Europass format (
    • Official proof of language abilities, where applicable:
      • English: Ruhr-Universität Bochum (1st & 2nd Semester), University College Dublin (1st & 2nd Semester), Uppsala universitet (1st & 2nd Semester), Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (1st & 2nd Semester), Uniwersytet Warszawski (1st & 2nd Semester), L'Università ta Malta (1st & 2nd Semester), Universidad de Deusto  (2nd Semester)
      • Only provide certification for Spanish if you are applying for : Universidad de Deusto (1st Semester)
    • Two Reference letters (in English). These must be written on official letterhead paper and signed in original ink (no electronic signatures).
      • Please note that family members may not serve as referees. You may submit two academic references, two professional references, or one of both. Where possible, both an academic and professional reference is preferable. The letters have to be dated, and cannot have been written longer than 1 year prior to the date on which candidates submit their application.
    • Residence certificate OR certificate from the candidate's place of work, study or training issued by the employer or institution in question (EM SCHOLARSHIP APPLICANTS ONLY)

When should I apply?

The timeline differs for those applying for the Erasmus Mundus Scholarship and those applying as a self-financing student.

Applications for the Erasmus Mundus scholarship:

  • 1 October, 2023: Opening of the call for all applications to the programme and the Erasmus Mundus scholarship for the 2023-2025 cohort.
  • 15 December, 2023, 23.59pm GMTDeadline for Erasmus Mundus scholarship applications
    • Ineligible candidates will be informed about their status at the beginning of January 2024 and will have 7 days from the moment they receive notification, to submit an appeal.
    • Selected candidates will be notified once the Selection Committee has evaluated all candidatures and the final student list has been adopted, in March.
    • Non-selected candidates and candidates in the reserve list will receive notification once the Selection Committee has evaluated all candidatures and the final student list has been adopted, in March. Rejected candidates may appeal to the Joint Admissions Board within 7 days from the receipt of the decision notice.

Self-funding applications:

  • 1 October, 2023: Opening of the call for all applications to the programme and the Erasmus Mundus scholarship for the 2024-2026 cohort.
  • 15 April, 2023: Central application deadline for all ordinary candidates.
  • 1 July, 2024: Application deadline for those without EU citizenship or valid EU residence permits.
  • July 2024: Selected and non-selected self-funding candidates will receive official joint notification. However, most universities will contact their selected candidates beforehand. 
  • Extended Application Deadline for Ruhr University Bochum: 15 July 2024.

In exceptional cases, we are running late admissions beyond the central application deadline. Please contact to enquire if your application will still be accepted.