academy for humanitarian action (aha)

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The academy for humanitarian action (aha) is an institution for further education in the humanitarian sector. It is located at the intersection of humanitarian practice and research and pools the expertise from over 25 years of work in the humanitarian sector. Our aim is to support humanitarians in their continuous effort to further improve the quality of their work, address new challenges and meet important requests for reform. The aha offers a wide range of different training courses on topics related to humanitarian action and international collaboration.


The academy rests on a unique collaboration of three partners with extensive experience in the field of humanitarian action and education: With the Institute for International Law of Peace and Armed Conflict of the Ruhr-University Bochum and the Centre of Competence for Humanitarian Relief of the University of Applied Sciences in Münster, two of the leading research institutes on humanitarian affairs in Europe join forces.  Aktion Deutschland Hilft bundles the proficiency of over 20 renowned German Humanitarian NGOs.

Further information are available on the aha website.

News about aha

Training:Basics of Humanitarian Action

The IFHV will host an online training on “Basics of Humanitarian Action” starting on Tuesday, 23 November. The aim of the course is to provide the participants with a comprehensive overview of important basic concepts, essential quality standards and international legal frameworks of humanitarian action. Case studies offer a practical insight into the role of principles and standards in humanitarian action. The three-days course will be led by the experienced humanitarian practitioner Peter Zihlmann from the Swiss NGO ebaix, who already facilitated an earlier round of the same training in November 2020 and February 2021. The course “Basics of Humanitarian Action” constitutes the first part of a starter package to humanitarian action for recent graduates, new staff of humanitarian NGOs as well as career path changers and will be followed by a second seminar on the “Basics of the Humanitarian System” in February 2022. The training is part of a joint project of the IFHV and VENRO to strengthen the capacities of German humanitarian NGO staff that is funded by the German Federal Foreign Office. It is conducted and promoted under the umbrella of the academy for humanitarian action (aha), where it is eligible for a Certificate of Advanced Studies in the area of “Foundations of Humanitarian Action”. The modular certification programs of the academy for humanitarian action offer humanitarian practitioners and those aspiring to be the opportunity to obtain a certified degree of further education by acquiring new and amplifying existing knowledge in different core areas of humanitarian action.

IFHV Hosted Successful Humanitarian Training Course on "The Use of Geoinformation in Humanitarian Action”

A humanitarian training course titled “The Use of Geoinformation in Humanitarian Action” ended last Friday, 28 January 2022. The course was hosted by the IFHV as part of a joint humanitarian training program of the IFHV and VENRO, supported by the German Federal Foreign Office. During the two-weeks online training course, around 20 participants from all over the world acquired basic knowledge on the most important features, sources and fields of application for georeferenced data in humanitarian action. Guided by Karen Dall from the German Red Cross as well as Alec Schulze-Eckel and Melanie Eckle-Elze from the Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology (HeiGIT), the participants were also enabled to put their new theoretical knowledge into practice through hands-on exercises from humanitarian contexts with the analysis software QGIS – from risk-mapping for floods in Uganda to the coverage of healthcare facilities in Perú. In the final evaluation round, participants valued the training as a chance to get a better understanding of humanitarian (risk) mapping and geodata more broadly. Participants and trainers alike stressed that this kind of “geodata literacy” holds great potential to improve the translation of the huge amount of (geo)data that many organizations have collected for example through their monitoring and evaluation practices into useful analyses for humanitarian programming. The course was advertised under the umbrella of the academy for humanitarian action (aha) and part of a broader certification program on “Anticipatory Humanitarian Action”. In March, a follow-up course on “Current Approaches and GIS Methods to Support Anticipatory Humanitarian Action” will amplify and complement the content of the recent training. It is open to everyone with basic knowledge on geodata and/or QGIS. Further details and information on the registration procedure will be communicated shortly via the aha newsletter.

IFHV Hosted Exchange Workshop on Diaspora Cooperation in Humanitarian Action

The IFHV hosted an online exchange workshop for humanitarian practitioners titled “Delivering Better Together – Partnering with Diaspora Organizations” on April 7. The workshop was part of a joint humanitarian training program of the IFHV and VENRO, funded by the German Federal Foreign Office. During the morning sessions, participants received an overview the framework, actors, motivations and networks that play a role in the cooperation with diaspora organizations within the field of humanitarian action. After the lunch break, participants were split up into smaller groups to engage in a vivid discussion around diaspora cooperation and humanitarian principles. In their endeavor to explore the potentials, challenges and roles of diaspora actors in humanitarian action, the participants were guided by representatives from the Diaspora Emergency Action & Coordination Initiative (DEMAC) as well as representatives from different diaspora organizations who shared their first-hand experience. At the end of the full-day workshop, facilitators and participants agreed that a more systematic approach to cooperation with diaspora actors and coordination of diaspora engagement in humanitarian crises would contribute significantly to more effective, locally-led and comprehensive humanitarian responses. To achieve this goal, advocacy within the humanitarian ecosystem and within the participants’ own organization were identified as a key step. The workshop complemented previous trainings on localization in humanitarian action that have been conducted within IFHV’s and VENRO’s capacity strengthening project. These events are usually advertised under the umbrella of the academy for humanitarian action (aha), which offers a comprehensive and certified training program on “Locally-led Humanitarian Action”.

IFHV’s successful consortium project to strengthen the capacities of humanitarian NGOs is extended

The German Federal Foreign Office has approved the proposal to extend the capacity strengthening project for humanitarian NGOs, that the IFHV has been conducting together with the umbrella organization of German humanitarian and development NGOs, VENRO, since 2020. The second project phase will run until mid-2024 and focuses on the topics of localization, anticipatory humanitarian action and green humanitarian action. It seeks to support German humanitarian NGOs and their local partners in their efforts to implement future-oriented approaches and reforms, to drive innovation as well as to enhance sustainability and efficiency. In the first project phase (October 2020-December 2022), IFHV and VENRO jointly organized over 55 training courses, workshops and webinars on diverse topics that attracted more than 800 participants. Beside continuing to offer high-quality training events in the three focus areas, the new project phase also includes a research component: Through complementary research activities and in-depth consultation of NGOs, the aim of the research component is to underpin the capacity strengthening process with practice-oriented insights on common challenges that NGOs are facing in each of the three focus areas. These concern, amongst others, data literacy and effective data management in the context of anticipatory humanitarian action or the standardization and harmonization of tracking tools to measure greenhouse gas emissions of humanitarian actors and projects. IFHV and VENRO plan to publish an overview of all envisaged training courses in due time. In addition, the IFHV also announces and promotes its training workshops under the umbrella of the academy for humanitarian action (aha), a platform for humanitarian training courses that the IFHV co-founded in 2020.